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New Student Registration Form

We only accept application for children from mainstream school Year1 and above when the Chinese school starts in September.

Fields marked with * are required. 标有 * 为必填项。

1. Student Information 学生资料

minimum age: 5 years old; 最低年龄:5岁

Maxlength: 2000

Address 地址

Language spoken at home 在家使用的语言

Please mention, in brief, if there is any history of previous illness, allergy or physical /psychological conditions that the school needs to be aware of. 请简而言之,如果有任何学校需要注意的既往疾病史、过敏史或身体/心理状况。

Maxlength: 2000

Preferred class 首选班

If you are confused about choosing a class, please leave a message in the 'Chinese level' field. 如果选班级有困惑, 请在 '中文水平'一栏里留言。

2. Contact Information 联系方式

Required format: 11 digits, without any space in between, example: 02381234567

Required format: only letters, numbers, and '@ . -' are allowed.
Please do not provide hotmail or live or outlook email accounts (e.g. no or or

3. Others 其他