Regulation and Guidelines


(Amended guidelines passed at governing body meeting on 15th September 2007)

  1. Introduction
    The Southampton Chinese School exists to provide Chinese language teaching and to promote the Chinese culture among the communities in Southampton and surrounding areas. The school will be open to children from any ethnic group and any background.
  2. Aims and Objectives
    2.1 Provide Chinese language teaching classes.
    2.2 Provide GCSE and A-level Chinese language training courses.
    2.3 Provide tutor training courses.
    2.4 Promote Chinese culture.
  3. The School governing body and management
    3.1 The school will be managed by governing body members led by Headmaster.
    3.2 The members of school governing body take part in the policy making.
    3.3 The governing body should include the school Headteacher, the school treasurer, and on parent representative from each class.
    3.4 The governing body members can bring to the meetings any matter relevant to the class they represent and matters relevant to the school.
    3.5 The governing body members report back to their group all the recommendations and actions taken by the governing body.
    3.6 The governing body will have at least three regular meetings during each term, at the beginning, middle and end of the term, respectively. Irregular meetings can be arranged any time when necessary.
  4. Elections
    4.1 The governing body nominates and elects the Headteacher of the school, with approvals of at least 2/3 members among the whole governing body. The Headteacher will be elected every year. To dismiss a Headteacher in the middle of a school calendar year will also need votes of more than 2/3 of the governing body members.
    4.2 The Headteacher nominates school treasurer who then should be approved by the governing body members with approvals of at least half number of members.
    4.3 The governing body members will be elected every year, among parents of each class.
  5. Financial
    5.1 All the governing body members are non-paid volunteers.
    5.2 To maintain the operations of the school, the school will charge a reasonable amount of tuition fee from each pupil. The amount of tuition fee will be determined by the governing body and inform the parents before the start of term.
    5.3 Tutors will be paid an “Honorarium” in recognition of their hard work.
    5.4 Tutors will only be paid for the actual teaching time. There will be no maternity, sick or holiday pay. They will be liable for their own income-tax and national insurance contributions.
    5.5 All the claim forms of payments must be signed by Headteacher.
    5.6 At the end of each school year, the Headteacher and school treasurer must present an annual financial report to the governing body.
  6. Tutors
    6.1 Tutors are responsible for teaching and safeguard the safety and health of children in classes.
    6.2 Tutors must arrive in school on time, with about 10 minutes earlier than the start of class.
    6.3 Tutors must mark attendance register of each class, and keep the attendance record for the claim of Honorarium pay.
    6.4 Tutors are responsible for the pupil’s registration and to collect the tuition fee from their own class.
    6.5 If tutors are going to take absent leave, they must inform the Headteacher with sufficient time in advance so that the school can arrange replacement.
    6.6 Tutors must try best to maintain good order and discipline during classes. After classes, they must make pupils tidy up the classroom and check that the classrooms are tidy and in order before leaving.
    6.7 Tutors will be evaluated at the end of each term. Pupils and parents will be handed out evaluation forms to give their marks of the performance of tutors. If a tutor continuously gets low marks, he/she maybe dismissed after discussions of governing body.
    6.8 All tutors must have their criminal records checked before they are appointed.
  7. Pupils and Parents
    7.1 Children from any ethnic group and background will be allowed and welcomed to attend the school.
    7.2 All pupils attending the school must have their registration form filled and their tuition fee paid.
    7.3 All pupils attending the school must abide with the school’s rules and regulations. Breaching the school rules and regulations will possibly result in exclusion from the school.
    7.4 All pupils attending the school must come to school on time, not too early, not too late.
    7.5 Parents are responsible for bringing their children to school and collecting them back after school. It is the parents’ responsibility for the safety of their children outside the school.
    7.6 Parents can bring concerned matters to their corresponding governing body member who will bring it to the governing body meetings.
    7.7 Parents are not allowed to stay in the classroom unless there are very strong reasons. They will have to stay at the assigned rest room during the class.
  8. Volunteers
    8.1 Volunteers will help the children with reading and writing and other activities.
    8.2 Volunteers can help the tutors with teaching material preparation, photocopying, laminating etc.
    8.3 Volunteers can help organise school parties and other activities, such as shopping, supervision of children safety, tidying and cleaning up etc.
    8.4 All volunteers must have their criminal record checked.

(2007 年 9 月 15 日理事机构会议通过的修订指南)

  1. 介绍
  2. 目的和目标
    2.1 开设汉语教学班。
    2.2 提供GCSE和A-level汉语培训课程。
    2.3 提供导师培训课程。
    2.4 弘扬中华文化。
  3. 学校管理机构和管理
    3.1 学校将由校长领导的理事机构成员管理。
    3.2 校董会成员参与决策。
    3.3 管理机构应包括学校校长、学校财务主管和每个班级的家长代表。
    3.4 理事机构成员可以将与他们所代表的班级相关的任何事项以及与学校相关的事项带到会议上。
    3.5 理事机构成员向其小组报告理事机构采取的所有建议和行动。
    3.6 理事机构每学期至少召开三次例会,分别在学期开始、中期和结束时召开。必要时可随时安排不定期会议。
  4. 选举
    4.1 校董会提名和选举学校校长,经全体校董中至少2/3的成员批准。校长将每年选举一次。在学年中期解雇校长也需要超过 2/3 的理事机构成员的投票。
    4.2 校长提名学校司库,然后由理事机构成员批准,至少半数成员批准。
    4.3 理事机构成员将每年在每个班级的家长中选举产生。
  5. 金融
    5.1 所有理事机构成员均为无偿志愿者。
    5.2 为维持学校的运作,学校将向每位学生收取合理的学费。学费金额将由管理机构决定,并在学期开始前通知家长。
    5.3 导师将获得“荣誉金”,以表彰他们的辛勤工作。
    5.4 导师只按实际教学时间付费。将没有产假、病假或假期工资。他们将负责缴纳自己的所得税和国民保险费。
    5.5 所有索赔表必须由校长签署。
    5.6 在每个学年结束时,校长和学校财务主管必须向管理机构提交年度财务报告。
  6. 导师
    6.1 教师负责教学,保障班级儿童的安全和健康。
    6.2 导师必须准时到校,比上课时间提前10分钟左右。
    6.3 导师必须在每堂课的考勤记录上做标记,并保存考勤记录,以便领取酬金。
    6.4 导师负责学生的注册,并向本班收取学费。
    6.5 导师如需请假,必须提前通知校长,以便学校安排更换。
    6.6 导师必须尽量保持课堂秩序和纪律。下课后,必须让学生整理教室,检查教室是否整洁有序,方可离开。
    6.7 每学期结束时将对导师进行评估。学生和家长将收到评估表,以对导师的表现进行评分。如果导师持续低分,他/她可能会在与理事机构讨论后被解雇。
    6.8 所有导师在被任命之前必须检查他们的犯罪记录。
  7. 学生和家长
    7.1 任何种族和背景的儿童都将被允许和欢迎上学。
    7.2 所有在校学生必须填写注册表并支付学费。
    7.3 所有在校学生必须遵守学校的规章制度。违反学校规章制度可能会导致被学校开除。
    7.4 所有在校学生必须准时到校,不能太早,也不能太晚。
    7.5 家长有责任送孩子上学,放学后接孩子回来。孩子在校外的安全是家长的责任。
    7.6 家长可以将相关事项提交给相应的理事机构成员,由理事机构成员将其带到理事机构会议上。
    7.7 除非有非常充分的理由,否则家长不得留在教室里。上课期间,他们必须留在指定的休息室。
  8. 志愿者
    8.1 志愿者将帮助孩子们进行阅读和写作等活动。
    8.2 志愿者可以帮助导师准备教材、复印、贴膜等。
    8.3 志愿者可协助组织学校派对及其他活动,如购物、监督儿童安全、整理和打扫卫生等。
    8.4 所有志愿者都必须检查他们的犯罪记录。