Archive For The “news” Category
Southampton Chinese School is recruiting for teaching assistant. 南安普顿中文学校正在招聘助教。 Please contact our headmaster directly if you are interested. 如果您有兴趣,请直接联系我们的校长。 Dr. Pengfei Xue 薛鹏飞博士, email: , tel. o7825364406 1. 招聘岗位 Position -助理教师 Teaching Assistant 2. 岗位简介 Position Overview -工作类型:兼职,自由职业者 -工资:待定 -职责:负责南安普顿中文学校中文教学,每学期周六下午 1 点 -3 点,地点为Cantell学校 -Job Types: Part-time, Freelance. -Salary: TBC -Responsibility: Responsible for the Chinese Language…
Application for new students starting in September 2022 is now opened, please click the link below to register online: 2022 年 9 月开始的新生申请现已开放, 请点击以下链接在线注册:
Chinese characters are one of the oldest characters in the world, which contains infinite charm. To encourage students to appreciate more about Chinese culture through ancient poems and famous Chinese articles, Southampton Chinese school is holding a calligraphy competition. Please see the PDF file below for details. 汉汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一, 一笔一划, 一音一形,都蕴藏着无限魅力。为激发学生学习中文的兴趣,弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化, 营造良好积极的学习环境和氛围,南安普顿中文学校特此举办全校书法大赛。有关详细信息,请参阅下面的 PDF 文件.
To encourage students to appreciate more about Chinese culture through ancient poems and famous Chinese articles, Southampton Chinese school is holding a recitation contest. It will help students enhance their understanding of Chinese culture hugely and equip themselves with in-depth knowledge required in the future. We welcome all our students to join the contest. The…

On Saturday the 29th Jan 2022, all 15 classes were celebrating Chinese new year by doing various traditional activities during the Chinese lesson. 2022 年 1 月 29 日星期六,所有 15 个班级都在中文课期间通过各种传统活动庆祝中国新年。

Chinese Association of Southampton and University of Southampton Confucius Institute held a Chinese New Year celebration on the 30th of January 2022 at the West Quay mall in the city centre. The children of our Southampton Chinese school have also performed, e.g. Piano, Poetry recitation and Guzheng, some of our school teachers have taken part…